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4th quarter Current Homework    

Search The Page For Assignments and Dates EX: 8/28/00 

Evolution -  Scientific Theory  qmark_md_wht.gif

Links:    PBS Evolution   Online lessons  Walking with Beasts  Beast assignment


Watch the video on Beyond Darwin's Galapagos
Take Notes
After viewing the video, please write a paper discussing what was presented in the video 
pertaining to Darwin, the Galapagos, and Evolution. Don't forget your textbook and Internet 
for additional references. Typed. double spaced, own words - don't copy & paste.
This is an individual project. And remember - own words please- and list your references

Your paper should cover Evolution, Darwin, Scopes Monkey Trial, and
your thoughts on whether these topics should be taught in public schools.


Start working on your paper due next Week

Here is some help for your paper.

Check out this site and watch the 7 video clips take notes to help you answer these questions

and include this information in your paper

Click on Quick Time to view the video clips not Real Player

Questions to look into to help you write your paper

1.  Isn't Evolution just a theory?

2.  Who was Charles Darwin?

3.  How do we know Evolution happens?

4.  How does Evolution really work?

5.  Did humans Evolve?

6.  Why does Evolution matter now?

7.  Why is Evolution controversial ?


Band trip short classes - school video


Start working on your paper due next Week

Here is some help for your paper.

Check out this site and watch the 7 video clips take notes to help you answer these questions

and include this information in your paper

Click on Quick Time to view the video clips not Real Player

Questions to look into to help you write your paper

1.  Isn't Evolution just a theory?

2.  Who was Charles Darwin?

3.  How do we know Evolution happens?

4.  How does Evolution really work?

5.  Did humans Evolve?

6.  Why does Evolution matter now?

7.  Why is Evolution controversial ?


Look up  The Scopes "Monkey" Trial (1925)

  What was the trial about? Click here or  here and read about the trial.

More Questions to look into to help you write your paper
         Who was on trial?
         Why did the trial take place?
         Who were the lawyers?
         What was the outcome of the trial?
          Look at one of the cartoons (you have to copy, paste & print it)
          and explain it's meaning or message.
         Why was this called the "Trial of The Century"?
         Why does this debate go on and on?
          Eighty years later, have the times changed? Can you find info
          which shows that this topic is still being addressed?  Where?
          After reading about the trial, what do you think about it?

       Please take some time to read and learn vs. cut & paste.
       If you don't like the site I have linked surf for another one.
       Let me know if you find something better.


Look up Intelligent Design - What is it?

Intelligent Design - President Bush's remarks here

Now - check out this site before you start writing your paper:
Kansas Votes to Delete Evolution From State's Science Curriculum  
here for more information 

Look at the Gallup Poll here  

The latest link I found which mentions Wisconsin schools here


Now it is YOUR TURN, what do you think? 

Start working on your paper

Your paper should cover Evolution, Darwin, Scopes Monkey Trial, Intelligent Design, and
your thoughts on whether these topics should be taught in public schools.

Paper due next Friday 

Typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, name on paper,

1 page for a C

2 pages for a B

3 or more pages for an A


Show video on Classification
Textbook Chapter 20 page 481 for help 
Classification :

What is taxonomy?

What did Carolus Linnaeus have to do with taxonomy?
Scroll down when you go to this link to see how the Red Maple is classified

What is the binomial system of nomenclature?

Explain the scientific naming - Genus Species

Give an example

Classification System    Scroll down

K,P,C,O,F,G,S stands for ?  Give an example.


Page 493 chart

5 kingdoms    Example

Monerans       Bacteria

Protists          Paramecium  

Fungi             Mushroom 

Plants            Cactus

Animals          Western Slender Glass Lizzard

Assignment:  Classify your Endangered plant or animal you picked 
using the
K,P,C,O,F,G,S  system.   Text book pages A1-A3  or 1121-1123
Use your text for help or here -
Classification Site 


Start answering the 13 questions for Viruses.


Viruses  -  The Sneeze Felt Around the World?  (SARS)

Government site for Disease Control - CDC

Virus Link: Must See - Virus  Common Viruses and Bacteria


Watch Video on HIV

Chapter 21 page 503 in your textbook will give you help


HIV lab    HIV-Get the Facts     Wisconsin HIV information

AIDS Resource Center     1-800-947-3353

Purpose is to understand the ease of spreading HIV.

Write up procedure and results.


C.  Bacteria

        Must See - Bacteria         Microbes in the News    Microbes of the Month

Look at 3 types of bacteria using microscope  
Include in Dissection Booklet  Lab sheet

Chapter 21 page 503 in your textbook will give you help

Hand in your Paper


Bacteria lab - Pre lab today for Monday

        Must See - Bacteria         Microbes in the News    Microbes of the Month

Look up 3 shapes of bacteria in your textbook  

Sketch a picture of each and label on Q #4 of your 13 questions

Chapter 21 page 503 in your textbook will give you help

Take notes on the Bacteria Lab


Start answering the 13 questions for the Bacteria .


Work on your questions

Start answering the 13 questions for the Bacteria .


Guest speaker on HIV facts and myths


Lab:  How clean is the school?


Check agar plates for bacteria growth


Show Dissection Video on the Worm


Animal Dissections :The Worm  All contents © 2000 Cornell University. All rights reserved.

Link:  here  OR - Dissection worksheets  OR -  Classification Site  

            OR -  UWL Classification Site

Check for WORM questions this Friday!!!

Please read about the worm on page 746 or 752 in your textbook.


Tuesday we will start dissecting the Worm

Animal Dissections :  The Worm click on photo  for a dissection link.

Find the following in lab from the white sheet on the worm: 7,13,18,19,25,27,28,29,32,36,39,41,42,43,+ segment,dorsal,

Start answering the 13 questions for the WORM .    Lily's Link

Don't forget to quiz  yourself on the worm parts for Friday.

If you find a site that you think would be beneficial, please e-mail me.

Student photos in worm lab


Dissect the worm


Work on 13 Worm Questions


Watch the  video on "The Giant Squid"


Quiz on Virus, Bacteria, and Worm



Dissect the squid

Animal Dissections :The Squid  

Click on photo for dissection link or here 

Labeled diagram:  here      Go here for scientific name:  Cephalopods

Refer to page 740 or 744 in your textbook for information

Start answering the 13 questions for the Squid

Add question # 14 - write your name using the squid's pen and ink

Find: Arms- how many?,tentacles how many?, head, eye, siphon, mantle, pen, collar, fins, beak, esophagus 
               ink sac, and whatever else I put on the board ?  

Student  photos in squid lab  


Watch dissection video on the Crayfish

Start 13 Crayfish questions

Start answering the 13 questions for the Crayfish.

Locate:  Boreal Review sheet external: 1-15 
               Internal: 16,17,20,23,24,28,32,36, Tail - Flexor muscle add more like intestine


Check squid questions & diagram


Animal Dissections : The Crayfish     

Refer to page 757 or 761 in your textbook for information

Click here for a dissection link on the crayfish.  Lily's link
Another good link from Ask Angie.  Havlik's top  choice.

Start answering the 13 questions for the Crayfish.

Locate:  Boreal Review sheet external: 1-15 
               Internal: 16,17,20,23,24,28,32,36, Tail - Flexor muscle add more like intestine

Student photos in crayfish lab


Dissect the Crayfish


Check crayfish questions & diagram

Quiz on Squid and Crayfish


Video on Dissection

Animal Dissections :  The Frog  

Click here  here or  Lily's Link for a dissection link on the frog

Refer to page 827 or 831 in your textbook for information

Start answering the 13 questions for the Frog

Student  photos  in frog lab

Don't forget to quiz  yourself on the Frog parts for Friday.

Click here to see photos of  deformed frogs.  What is causing this?


Color in parts and work on 13 questions

I will write the parts on the board you are to color in and quiz yourself


Dissect the frog


Check questions and diagram

Tree project due


Hey Mr. Lallas! It is Kelsey Christenson, I am in your (Favorite) 7th hour biology

class. Here's my picture-- please e-mail me if you get it! thanks. Kelsey



Frog quiz







Field trip to the caves in the Galapagos to search for

Owl Pellets and work with the Paleontologists to 

see what lives on the years ago.  Anything Extinct?

Watch video on owls and dissecting owl pellets

Go here for photos and info on Owl Pellets

Continue working on Darwin paper

Start dissecting the owl pellets

Practice online here first

Start assembly of skeletons by gluing bones onto 

black paper and place in a shoebox   Help

Finish skeleton display 

Can you figure out what the Owl eat?

Owl Cam

2.  List similarities and differences with your Glencoe's  Dynamics of Life (1995)
textbook (Ch. 17-19) and what the students in John Scopes' class read about evolution:
Excerpts from Hunter's Civic Biology (1914) click here
Site specific examples along with page #'s from both textbooks.

How good are you at fossil hunting?  Darwin needs some help.

Try   building a beast   Time to beat - 24:48:50 by Tucker, Tony, & Derek

                      Old time was 32:06:91 by Sam & Lucas

                      Old time was 39:27:71 by Dexter, Ben & Tanner - sorry

                     Old time was 42:32 by Ivan and Colin - sorry

I'll buy pizza for the lowest time it takes in the super challenge!



This week work on Protists 4/17 - 4/20 page 533 in text

Quiz on parts Virus, Bacteria, Protist  Have notes ready!


Protists Plant like and Animal like  

            Protist link:  here   Link:  here 
Start answering the 13 questions for the Protists .





These organisms will be looked at in lab using the microscope.

Look in Chapter 22 on page 533 for information.

You must diagram them and label parts.


Animal Dissections : The Grasshopper

Bug Dessert               Classification Site    Common name   Facts

Lily's Link  on the grasshopper.   

Refer to page 776 or 780 in your textbook for information

Start answering the 13 questions for the Grasshopper.

Locate: Boreal Review sheet  external: 1,2,5,6,7(also called tympanum), 8,9,11, (12-in female) , 15
              BioCam sheet internal: 1- Eggs in female, 2-testis in male. Remove to see 4,5,6

Student photos in grasshopper lab    

Don't forget to quiz  yourself on the Grasshopper parts for Friday.


Animal Dissections : The Starfish

 Click here for a dissection link on the starfish   Lily's Link

Refer to page 787 or 791 in your textbook for information

In lab locate from Lab Notebook : 1-10 side one and 1-13 side two

Start answering the 13 questions for the Starfish.

Student photos in starfish lab                Facts

on't forget to quiz  yourself on the Starfish parts for Friday.


Animal Dissections :  The Frog  

Click here  here or here or  Lily's Link for a dissection link on the frog

Refer to page 827 or 831 in your textbook for information

Start answering the 13 questions for the Frog

Student  photos  in frog lab

Don't forget to quiz  yourself on the Frog parts for Friday.

Click here to see photos of  deformed frogs.  What is causing this?

Everything is due this week.

Community Service here  due Monday

Photo of your tree here  due Tuesday 

Endangered Species letter to DNR with $$ for an A

or a book report for a B here due Wednesday

Dissection Booklet here  due Friday

Have an enjoyable safe summer vacation.  See you later - bye!


cake_confetti_md_wht.gifThe BIG 50 on 6-01-03